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GDC 2015 in San Francico


I'll be attending GDC this year and will be in San Francisco from March 3rd - 8th and possibly earlier. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss my products or possible opportunities.

SuperFluids v1 video and demo available for download


While working on ShaderFlex, I took some time to play around with a cool 2D smooth particle hydrodynamics sample and decided to convert it to 3D, add multi-material support, add multi-phase interaction, extend the amount of particles supported, add a dynamic grid cell system and add some user input controls for repulsion and attraction.


Click HERE for some eyecandy and download instructions. goes Live!


After 18 long months of product development, it's finally time to launch the company website! Hope you like it and don't forget to sign up for the ShaderFlex and NodeFlex BETA programs which are expected to begin early 2015.